Inclusive Excellence

Beaver College of Health Sciences - Statement on Inclusive Excellence & More Information

RMPE Department Statement

The Department of Recreation Management and Physical Education (RMPE) strives to create and maintain an environment that respects diverse traditions, heritages, and experiences and shares our support with all our students during these times of crisis. We know diversity includes characteristics of race, age, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, religion, national origin, migratory status, disability/abilities, political affiliation, veteran status, family status, socioeconomic background as well as environmental and climate justice. It also includes differences in lived experience, ideas, thoughts, values, and beliefs. Our department values being inclusive and respecting everyone, using those differences by drawing on the intellectual strength to enhance the communities in which we work. Embracing our differences make us better students, teachers, leaders, scholars, practitioners, and community members. Our aim is to foster a culture where every member of the RMPE department feels valued, supported, and inspired to achieve not only individual but also common goals and share in the responsibility to learn and do better every day. As a department, we recognize the need for continuous improvement and ongoing conversations about inclusive excellence in our disciplines, classrooms, campus, and community. We want you to know that our department is here to support you in navigating these challenges and we will continue to do better!

Please do not hesitate to reach out to your advisor or any of the RMPE faculty and staff. Let us know how you are doing and share your thoughts and ideas with us. We are committed to protecting peoples’ civil rights, bringing an end to the cycles of injustice, and to supporting you.

Take care of yourself, stay safe, and keep in touch.



Dr. Crystal Fleming’s talk given at Virginia Wesleyan University in June of 2018 on How to Be Less Stupid About Race and Racism

Ibram X. Kendi’s Ted Talk from June 9, 2020, to establish a common language and learn the difference between being “not racist” and “anti-racist.”

Systemic Racism Explained


White Fragility - Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk about Racism by Robin Diangelo, 2018

How To Be Less Stupid About Race by Crystal M. Fleming, 2018


Theriault, D. (2020). Vulnerable teaching in leisure studies. Schole. Online First. )(

Park Inequities are Symptoms of a Bigger Problem

Five Ways to Make the Outdoors More Inclusive


Disability Visibility

Department Contacts

Beaver College of Health Sciences Inclusive Excellence Liason:

Ben Sibley - Associate Dean for Academics, Beaver College of Health Sciences

Beaver College of Health Sciences representative on the Center for Academic Excellence Inclusive Excellence Team:

Daniel Theriault - Assistant Professor, Program Director for Recreation Management

Inclusion-Based Featured Courses

R M 2410 - Recreation Program Planning (credits 3) 

This course focuses on the planning of recreation and leisure activities through the use of human and natural resources in public, private, and commercial recreation programs. Principles and approaches to programming will be presented, providing a philosophical and practical basis for preparing a wide variety of leisure programs and activities.

RM 3210 – Inclusive Recreation (credits 3)

This course consists of a study of and practical application of principles underlying the provision of recreation services to populations limited in their access to recreation programs. The course focuses on: 1. Different population groups and what barriers to recreation participation each group may face; 2. Program planning and the utilization of resources that overcome these barriers; 3. Practical experience creating and facilitating inclusive and special programs; 4. Awareness of attitudes and expectations that may shape provision (or lack thereof) of recreation services to special populations.

R M 4110 - Evaluation in Recreation and Leisure Service Management (credits 3)

This course examines the methods, techniques, and application of evaluation in a variety of functions normally found in recreation and leisure service management including clientele, programs, personnel, facilities, organization, administration, needs assessment and economic impact estimation. Familiarization with and use of applicable computer software programs will be emphasized.