Attendance Policy/Cancellations
- What is the Attendance policy for App PE courses?
Each PE course syllabus lists the attedance policy and associated points for that course. - I received an incomplete in my course. When do I need to finish the course?
An Incomplete grade is assigned only because of sickness or some other unavoidable cause. An Incomplete is not given merely because assignments were not completed during the semester. An "I" becomes an "F" or "U" if not removed within the time designated by the instructor, not to exceed one semester, except that all incompletes must be removed at the time of graduation. Contact your instructor or the director of the program to finish the coursework. - I have to miss class to attend an Appalachian event (athletics, internship...), is this absence excused?
Absences are not excused. However, in most cases, you can discuss with your instructor a way to make up missed coursework if you provide advanced notice in writing. - ASU courses are cancelled; will my off-campus physical education course (Ski/Snowboarding) still meet?
No, if the university cancels main campus classes, ALL classes are cancelled. - Do I need my ID card to attend class?
All App students should have their App ID card with them at all times. You cannot enter UREC facilities like the Student Recreation Center and Quinn Center without a valid ASU ID.
- I do not need the credit, but I want to take a physical education course for personal betterment. How can I audit the course?
Students may audit any PE course. Students do not receive credit toward financial aid, etc. if auditing. Audit forms must be emailed to the PE Director (Edgar Peck) prior to the start of the semester (drop/add period). All fees remain the same. Audits do not receive a grade/credit. The grade will appear as AU on transcript.
Students who are auditing a course do not have to complete course assignments. However, they must participate in course activities during class time and adhere to the student code of conduct.
If a student does not regularly attend an audited course, the instructor may request an administrative withdrawal grade to be assigned. The instructor should provide documentation to the Registrar’s Office with the recommendation.
Repeats: Beginning fall 2014 students are only allowed 4 career repeats of any course. If the student audits the course, it will not count as a repeated course. See the App Bulletin for the most current policy.
Course Offerings
- What Physical Education Activity courses are offered at Appalachian?
For detailed information including course listings and descriptions, view the Course Descriptions on the RMPE website or the Appalachian Bulletin/Catalog. The Registrar's website lists current course offerings (Search for classes by term). - What are selected topics?
Selected topics represent courses that:- provide students an opportunity to study a new topic or subject area that is not currently offered in the standard curriculum; and
- provide a program the flexibility to offer experimental courses that may become part of the standard curriculum.
Selected Topics PE courses with numbers 1530 - 1549 carry the App Wellness Literacy attribute and may be repeated for credit when course content/title does not duplicate.
Course Meeting Duration
- I see that the Hiking course meets Monday 1-9pm. Is that true?
Outdoor courses like Flat Water Kayaking and Hiking will not meet for the entire class time listed in every class meeting. However, please do allocate the entire class time in your schedule because we will likely meet for the entire time on some days. Due to the unpredictable nature of the activity and locations (ex. weather, traffic), the end time of the class will vary within the times listed. - Why is the Backpacking courses meeting time listed as Saturday/Sunday 9am-9pm?
Courses like Backpacking, Canoeing, and WW Rafting meet on Saturday and/or Sundays. Including travel time, the trips may take the entire day. Backpacking includes an overnight trip.
Course Schedule
- How can I see which PE courses are open?
Go to the Registrar's Office website and "Search for Classes by Term" to view courses that have open seats. - How many weeks do PE courses last?
Most PE courses are 1 credit hour, meet for 7 weeks, and carry the App General Education Wellness Literacy attribute. It is important for students to check their schedules carefully to know the exact starting and ending dates of each course.
Credit Limitations
- How many times can I take the same physical education course?
Please visit Appalachian State University's Bulletin web page for more information and see below. - How much physical education credit can I apply toward my degree?
Except for Health & Physical Education majors, no more than six hours of PE courses may be included within the number of hours required for graduation. An undergraduate student may include a maximum of 3 semester hours credit under the Instructional Assistance Program toward meeting graduation requirements. Check with your academic advisor to determine how course credits count toward your specific degree program.
Faculty Contact
- Emailing your instructor.
Please include your full name, banner ID, course name, course number, section number, day/time when contacting your instructor. - My instructor has not responded to my email.
If your instructor has not responded to your email after one week email the PE Director for assistance.
Fitness Assessments
- Due to my history, tracking my weight is not healthy for me. Therefore, I do not feel comfortable doing the body composition portion of the fitness testing. What should I do for that component?
If you are uncomfortable with the body composition assessment, please talk with your instructor in class.We include this information because nutrition and weight management are important health concepts. We would be doing students a disservice by not teaching them about healthy weight management. Avoiding difficult issues will not help students learn to cope with triggers, in this case, improving their ability to work toward a healthy relationship with nutrition and weight management.
Body Mass Index (BMI), a calculation of body mass divided by the square of the body height, is a standard measure of body composition. Individuals with high muscle mass do weigh more for their height, and are thus susceptible to a "false positive" for being overweight. However, for most individuals a high BMI does correlate with increased risk of diseases like heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. In class we also sometimes use hand held body fat analyzers. These are also not perfect, but do provide information that can help students reflect on how body composition is related to health.
Medical Concerns
- If I share my medical concerns with my instructor who sees that information?
Your instructor keeps your Medical Concerns documents in their class record books for use in class should you become injured. That information is kept confidential and is only used/seen by the instructor/trip leaders. - I am injured and cannot continue in my PE course, how do I drop without penalty?
A Medical Withdrawal will typically not count as one of the student's 4 career drops, affect housing, etc.If injury/illness is the reason you need to drop, contact Student Health Services and request a Medical Withdrawal from the course. See your course syllabus for additional information.
If your absence is related to an unavoidable cause (death, jury duty, etc) and you need to drop this course, please contact Edgar Peck, PE Director ( to request a late drop instead of a career drop.
- I have a disability, can I still take a PE course?
Absolutely! The PE program is committed making courses available to every student. Begin by talking with the PE Director and/or your instructor. We will make every effort to making reasonable accommodations for individuals with documented qualifying disabilities in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Those seeking accommodations based on a substantially limiting disability must contact and register with The Office of Disability Services (ODS) at 828-262-3056. Once registration is complete, individuals will meet with ODS staff to discuss eligibility and appropriate accommodations.
Transfer Questions
- I took an App PE course before I transferred to another university/college. How can I get a copy of my syllabus to give to my new institution?
Email the PE Director for an electronic copy. - I transferred in a PE activity course. Can I take the same course at App and receive credit?
No. For example: If a student takes PED 122 Yoga at Forsyth Technical Community College, the student may not enroll in and receive credit for PE 1751 at App. The student can enroll in the course, but will not receive Appalachian Wellness Literacy credit. - I was a varsity athlete at my previous institutions. Will that PE credit transfer as a PE General Education Wellness Literacy credit?
Wellness Literacy Modules - General Education Attribute
- Which physical education courses count for ASU General Education Wellness Literacy credit?
PE 1530-1549, PE 1700-1889. There are also additional App courses that count as Wellness Literacy credit. Visit the General Education website for more information. - Wellness Literacy Modules Course Requirement
Please refer to your course syllabus and AsULearn page. - How do I access the Wellness Literacy online modules?
To purchase access to the WL online component of your course visit the University Bookstore or visit the - How do I pass an online Wellness Literacy Module?
You must complete all module components in the prescribed order and pass the module post-test with a score of 80% or higher. - I transferred PE Activity course credit to ASU, am I required to complete the WL modules?
- The PEACTV transfer policy has changed. PEACTV courses transfered should receive full credit (App WL modules are not required). Please contact the PE Program Director with questions.
- Do I need to repurchase the Wellness Literacy Modules?
In most cases, no you do not need to purchase access to the modules again. Access is good for six years. If you experience technical difficulties with website such as username and password issues please send your support request to - I have already taken 2+ PE courses and completed the wellness literacy modules. Am I still required to purchase the code again to verify that they are all complete?
Please read the Wellness Literacy section of the syllabus closely. You do not need to repurchase or redo the modules. You do need to turn in your progress report. If you have forgotten your password, go to the website and click forgot my password. - How long will it take me to complete each module?
The time necessary to complete each module varies by module and may be impacted by individual reading, study and test-taking habits. The table below will help you allocate time to developing your wellness literacy as you plan your study schedule.Module Pre-Test Reading PDA Post-Test 1. Wellness 101 10 minutes 1-2 hours 30-60 minutes 20 minutes 2. Fitness Management 10 minutes 1-2 hours 7+ days 20 minutes 3. Nutrition Management 10 minutes 1-2 hours 7+ days 20 minutes 4. Wellness Revisited 10 minutes 1-2 hours 30-60 minutes 20 minutes 5. Weight Management 10 minutes 1-2 hours 30-60 minutes 20 minutes 6. Stress Management 10 minutes 1-2 hours 5+ days 20 minutes - Why is the wellness information presented online?
Completing wellness content online provides the opportunity for more activity time during class. In addition, online material reduces textbook costs for students and allows for more frequent updating of course content. I do not know where to find the code for the Wellness Literacy modules.
Please read over the Wellness Literacy portion of the syllabus. You can purchase access to the text on the website.I scratched off my WL code a couple days ago and went to enter it in and it said it’s already been used which doesn’t make any sense since I got it from the AppState bookstore.
Please go to the AppState bookstore so they can provide you with a new code.I purchased my access code online several weeks ago through the AppState Bookstore; however, I still have not received my code.
The AppState bookstore does not email codes. The AppState bookstore has codes in stock. You can also purchase access to the text directly on the website for instant access.