- B.S., Recreation, University of Florida
- M.S., Recreation, Indiana University
- M.Ed., Biology Education, University of Florida
- Ph.D., Instruction and Curriculum, University of Florida
Teaching Specialties
- RM 2000
- RM 2100
- RM 2410
- RM 3315
- RM 4210
- Risk Manager for OEE Trips
- Hiking (I am currently section hiking the Appalachian Trail...trail name Flamingo)
- Backpacking
- Camping
- All sports and activities that are related to the water
- Florida Football (GO GATORS!!!)
How did you discover Appalachian State University?
"I didn't. App State found me. It brought me back to my roots of teaching Outdoor Education."
What is your favorite thing about Boone?
"My colleagues, my students and the hiking (especially the AT)!"
What most excites you about your field?
"RM is a cornerstone of mental and physical of my favorite quotes is "Play is not a luxury it is a necessity" and as RM professionals we get to live that out every single day!"
What are some of the highlights of your career?
"Working for AmeriCorps as a historical interpreter for the Lewis and Clark Bicentennial Celebration on the Missouri River, working with the National Wildlife Federation residential camp program, working for the Florida Park Service and Florida Division of Forestry, and my work in outdoor/environmental education. I've had alot of unique you'll have to ask my how I met Hall & Oates while racing cars..."
Favorite Quote
"UNLESS someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing's going to get better it's not!" -Dr Seuss' The Lorax
Professional Organizations
- Aerobics and Fitness Association of America
- North American Association for Environmental Education
- Primary Group Fitness Instructor Certification, Aerobics and Fitness Association of America
- Cycle Certification, Aerobics and Fitness Association of America
- Aerobics and Fitness Association of America TABATA Bootcamp Instructor Certification
- Keiser Cycle Instructor Certification
- R.I.P.P.E.D. Instructor Certification
- Rumble Instructor Certification
- Les Mills CXWorx Instructor Certification
- Wilderness First Responder
- Epinephrine Administration North Carolina Certificate
- CPR/First Aid/AED

Title: Senior Lecturer
Department: RMPE
Email address: Email me
Phone: (828) 262-8639