- B.A., Music, Mars Hill College
- M.A., Pastoral Care, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Ph.D., Family and Child Development, Virginia Polytechnic Institute
Teaching Specialties
- Tai Chi
- Singing
- Walking with my dog Mr. Murdock
How did you discover Appalachian State University?
"I grew up in North Carolina and love being in the mountains."
What is your favorite thing about Boone?
"The summers"
What most excites you about your field?
"Helping students discover wellness and the benefits of physical activity."
What are some of the highlights of your career?
"I taught graduate students counseling, family therapy, and expressive arts therapy for 28 years before retiring from full-time faculty status at AppState in January 2022."
Professional Certifications
- EBT Certified Instructor by the Center for Taiji & Qigong Studies August 2012
Research Interest
- Somatic experiencing during guided imagery and music
Selected Publications
- Caldwell, K., Bergman, S., Collier, S. R., Triplett, N. T., Quin, R., Bergquist, J.*, Pieper CF. (2016). Effects of tai chi chuan on anxiety and sleep quality in young adults: lessons from a randomized controlled feasibility study. Nature and Science of Sleep, 8, 1-10.
- Caldwell, K., Harrison, M., Adams, M., Quin, R., & Greeson, J. (2010). Developing mindfulness in college students through movement based courses: Effects on self-regulatory self-efficacy, mood, stress, and sleep quality. Journal of American College Health, 58, 433-442.