Dr. Joy James

I have some exciting news regarding an article Drs. J. Joy James, Richard W. Christiana & Rebecca A. Battista published in 2019 in the Journal of Leisure Research (JLR). The article title, "A historical and critical analysis of park prescriptions" has been selected as one of the articles that will be promoted in conjunction with the National Recreation and Parks Association (NRPA) Conference this year! I have attached the article in case you are interested. This is a significant recognition of the HOPE Lab's interdisciplinary approach in the field. In addition, Joy was honored with the 2020 American Camping Association (ACA) Southeastern Community Service Award this fall.  A historical and critical analysis of park prescriptions (3).pdf Awesome work!

Melissa S. Weddell, PhD, MBA 

Chair and ProfessorRecreation Management and Physical Education

Published: Oct 27, 2020 9:46am
