Robert McKethan, Ed.D.


  • B.S., Physical Education - Appalachian State University - 1970
  • M.S., Physical Education - Appalachian State University - 1971
  • Ed.D., Physical Education - University of North Carolina - Greensboro - 1985


  • PE 2015 - Organization And Administration of Physical Education and Sport
  • PE 3556 - Teaching Elementary Physical Education
  • CI 4020 - Teaching Physical Education

Professional Affiliations / Organizations

  • American Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance
  • North Carolina Association for Athletics, Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance
  • Phi Delta Kappa
  • National Association for Physical Education in Higher Education

Research Interests

  • Distance Learning and Qualitative Analysis
  • Teacher Effectiveness
  • Learning Styles and Preferences
  • Sport Education

Selected Publications

  • Veal, M. L., Campbell, M., Johnson, D. & McKethan, R. N. (In Print). NASPE Standards in Action in North Carolina: THe PEPSE Project. The Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance.
  • Everhart;, B & McKethan, R.N. (In Print). Perceptions of Preservice Physical Education Teachers in a Home School
  • Clinical Program. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance.
  • McKethan, R., Everhart, B., & Sanders, R. (2001) The Effects of Multimedia Software Instruction and Lecture-Based Instruction on Learning Teaching Cues of Manipulative Skills on Preservice Physical Education Teachers. The Physical Educator, 58, 2-13.
  • McKethan, R.N. & Everhart, B. (2000). Starting a Home-School Physical Education Clinical Program on Your Campus. Journal of Physical Education Recreation and Dance, 71, 38-44.
  • McKethan, R., Everhart, B., & Stubblefield, E. (2000). The effects of a Multimedia Computer Proram on Preservice
  • Elementary Teachers' Knowledge of Cognitive Components of Movement Skills. The Physical Educator, 57, 58-65.
  • McKethan, R. N. & Turner, E.T. (1999). Using Multimedia Programming to teach Sport skills. Journal of Physical
  • Education, Recreation and Dance, 70, 22-38.
Title: Professor Emeritus
Department: RMPE

Email address: Email me

Office address
HCC Mailbox