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- Paul Gaskill, Ed.D.
- B.S., The Pennsylvania State University, Recreation and Park Administration
- M.S., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Recreation and Tourism Administration
- Ed.D.,, Higher Education Administration, UNC Greensboro
- Introduction to Recreation and Leisure services
Teaching Specialties
- Administration, Special Recreation, Aging, Evaluation and Research
- Administration of Recreation II
- Career Development in Recreation and Leisure
- Evaluation in Recreation and Leisure Services
Professional Affiliations / Organizations
- National Recreation and Park Association
- North Carolina Recreation and Park Association
- Southern Gerontological Association
Research Interests
- Special Recreation, Natural Resource and User Interactions,
- Sustainable Development and Tourism, International Studies, Public
- Recreation Accreditation and Certification, Property Owner's Associations, Health and Wellness, Childhood Obesity
Selected Publications
- Gaskill, P.L., Mohr, D. & Osborne, M. (2008) Wellness Literacy, Online Textbook, Kendall-Hunt Publishing Company, Dubuque, Iowa.
- Gaskill, P.L. (2007) Introduction to Leisure Services in North Carolina, Fifth Edition (Editor), Kendall-Hunt Publishing Company, Dubuque, Iowa.
- Rabinowitz, E., Frauman, E. & Gaskill, P.L. (2007)Evaluation in Recreation and Leisure Service Management Workbook. Textbook Grant, Hubbard Center for Faculty and Staff Support, Appalachian State University, Boone, N.C.
- Gaskill, P.L. and Tholkes, B. (2007) The Future of Leisure Services in North Carolina, Chapter 17 in Introduction to Leisure Services in North Carolina (Fifth Edition, P.L. Gaskill Editor, Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, Dubuque, Iowa.
- Gaskill, P.L. and Riley, K. (2005) Liability and Risk Management for Property Owner's Associations and Recreation Departments. Chapter 12 in Risk Management in Sport: Issues and Strategies, 2nd Edition, A. Appenzeller (Editor). Carolina Academic Press, Durham, N.C.
- Gaskill, P.L. (2001) Introduction to Leisure Services in North Carolina, Fourth Edition (Editor). Dubuque Iowa: Kendall/Hunt
- Publishers.
- Williams, W.E. and Gaskill, P.L. (2000) An Inventory of the Central Park Region, Grant Funded Technical Report, Yadkin/Pee Dee Lakes Region.
- Williams, W.E. and Gaskill, P.L. (1999) Profile of canoeists on the New River. Research Report, Division of Parks and Recreation, North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources.
- Gaskill, P.L. and Williams, W.E. (1995) Academic accreditation through creative fund raising. Parks and Recreation, 29, 11, 56-59.
- Gaskill, P.L. and Campbell, D. (1995) Maximizing your recruitment dollar: The college camp fair. Camping Magazine, 67, 3, 34-47.
Title: Professor Emeritous
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