B.S., Communications - Appalachian State University
Teaching Specialties
- Wildland Firefighting
- Fire, Rescue, & EMS
- Incident Management
- Outdoor Emergency Care
Music, Skiing, Boating, Travel
How did you discover Appalachian State University?
I went to kindergarten in Sanford Hall.
What is your favorite thing about Boone?
The interesting cool people who gravitate to this area.
What most excites you about your field?
Helping people outside
Favorite Quote
"Look deep, deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better." Einstein
Professional Certifications
- NC Fire Service Instructor
- NC Rescue Technician
- Fire & Life Safety Educator III
- EMT – Paramedic / EMS Instructor
- North Carolina Fire Officer III
- National Ski Patrol - Outdoor Emergency Care Instructor
- International Trauma Life Support Instructor
- All Hazards Incident Management Team - Type III
o Incident Commander
o Operations Section Chief
o Planning Section Chief
o Public Information Officer